Dear Deep Run Breeders,


We want to give you an update on our K Bear who is one of Bel and Buddy’s pups born on May 31st, 2007.  He is the best. My brother picked him up on August 1st and brought him to my parents’ home in PA where he spent his first week getting acquainted with his new grandparents.  On August 12th, Heather and I brought him to MA, his permanent home.  We have been enjoying him ever since.  While we were practicing his retrieving skills each day, when I took him on his first hunt in upstate NY on September 15th, I was amazed at his natural ability and determination at such a young age.  He was thrilled to be in the field and seemed as excited and I was with his success.  On a lighter note, when he is hungry or thirsty, he simply goes to the kitchen, picks up his bowl, and brings it to us with equal determination and has a little conversation with us making sure he is understood.   Thanks so much for all of the work you do before sharing your puppies with us.  Our K Bear couldn’t be more perfect!


Matt and Heather